An integral part of research that is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is to ensure that patients, carers, service users and the public have the opportunity to shape and influence the relevance, quality and impact of our health and care research.

This free 75-minute online webinar is hosted by the NIHR and the Research Design Service (RDS) West Midlands. It is open to delegates nationally and aimed at researchers applying for NIHR Fellowship Awards and staff accountable for public involvement.

Topics covered

The webinar will cover:

  • NIHR’s definition of public involvement UK Standards for Public Involvement in Research
  • Guidance on co-producing a research project
  • The support Research Design Service (RDS) provides for researchers in regards to public involvement
  • What NIHR is looking for in the public involvement section of the researcher’s application Payment and recognition for public involvement.

Who’s involved?

The webinar will be facilitated by Linda Onerhime-Prince, Public Involvement Manager, NIHR Academy and Steve Blackburn, Public Involvement Lead at RDS West Midlands and chair of the National RDS Public Involvement Community.

They will be joined by an NIHR researcher and public involvement representative who will share real life examples of the importance of public involvement in research and how to apply it effectively.