The Drug Strategy Innovation Fund is holding a three-phase funding call for research to reduce the demand for “recreational” drugs such as powder cocaine, cannabis, ecstasy and nitrous oxide.

The fund will support the development and testing of new population-level interventions (phase 1), their evaluation (phase 2), and future roll-out in the community if found to be effective (phase 3). In phase 1, proposals are sought to undertake preparatory work for an evaluation in phase 2.

The application process will open on 14 September 2022 with a deadline for expressions of interest of 28 September 2022, and for submission of applications of 12 October 2022.

About the event

The event will be hosted by the NIHR Research Design Service and will provide delegates an opportunity to hear from members of the funding programme team and information about the RDS and the support available for people applying to the programme. There are also potential opportunities for developing new partners and collaborators for those wishing to do so.

Who is the event for?

Researchers and public health, health and social care professionals and individuals involved with organisations such as police services, local authorities, youth clubs, schools, and universities which might be involved in implementing successful interventions who want to learn more about this funding call and the support available to them.

What will the event cover?

  • An overview of the call and assessment
  • Using the NIHR Research Design Service
  • Facilitating new collaborations
  • Question and answer session.