Professor in General Practice
St George’s University of London

Funding: NIHR Research for Patient Benefit​
Project title: Test n Treat (TnT): a cluster randomised feasibility trial of frequent, rapid  testing and same day, on-site treatment to reduce rates of chlamydia and gonorrhoea in high risk  Further Education College students.

Project Summary:
Chlamydia and gonorrhoea are sexually transmitted infections affecting 150,000 young people in England and costing over £100 million each year. The study aims to conduct a feasibility trial of frequent, rapid, same day TnT in Further Education colleges to assess: rates of recruitment; TnT uptake and follow up; acceptability of TnT to students and staff (from qualitative interviews); cost of TnT; and infection rates.

RDS London support
Excellent support for study design, statistics, health economics, qualitative assessment and PPI. Also very useful comments through having attended RfPB committee meetings.

How did RDS London’s support improve your grant application? 
Much clearer design, aims and outcomes. More convincing PPI.

Would you recommend RDS London to colleagues applying for grants? 
Yes. Probably best to meet the advisers in person not just get written feedback.