Resources compiled by Jill Russell and Christie Cabral, August 2022


Barnett-Page, E., & Thomas, J. (2009). Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research: A critical review. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 9(1)

Britten, N., Campbell, R., Pope, C., Donovan, J., Morgan, M., & Pill, R. (2002). Using meta ethnography to synthesise qualitative research: a worked example. In Journal of Health Services Research & Policy (Vol. 7, Issue 4)

France, E. F., Uny, I., Ring, N., Turley, R. L., Maxwell, M., Duncan, E. A., … & Noyes, J. (2019). A methodological systematic review of meta-ethnography conduct to articulate the complex analytical phases. BMC medical research methodology, 19(1), 35

Noblit GW, Hare RD (1988) Meta-ethnography: Synthesizing Qualitative Studies, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE

Sattar, R., Lawton, R., Panagioti, M., & Johnson, J. (2021). Meta-ethnography in healthcare research: a guide to using a meta-ethnographic approach for literature synthesis. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1).

Realist and meta-narrative evidence review/synthesis

Realist synthesis

Rameses training materials for realist synthesis

Rameses training materials for meta-narrative reviews.

Realist evaluation

Rameses resources and training materials for realist evaluation.

Innovative ethnographic approaches

(including video-reflexive ethnography, hybrid ethnography, digital ethnography, and rapid ethnographic assessments)

Ahlin, Tanja, and Fangfang Li (2019). From Field Sites to Field Events: Creating the field with information and communication technologies (ICTs). Medicine, Anthropology and Theory 6(2)

Iedema R (2021) Video-reflexive ethnography: Rationale, principles and practice

LSE Digital Ethnography reading list

McHugh S (2021) Training video: Video Reflexive Ethnography for Healthcare Improvement

Przybylski, L. (2021). Hybrid ethnography : online, offline, and in between. SAGE

Sangaramoorthy, T., & Kroeger, K. A. Rapid ethnographic assessments : a practical approach and toolkit for collaborative community research.

Linguistic approaches

(including discourse analysis, conversation analysis, linguistic ethnography)

Copland, F., Creese, A., Rock, F., & Shaw, S. (2015). Linguistic ethnography: collecting, analysing and presenting data. Sage

Heritage J, Clayman SE. Talk in action: interactions, identities and institutions. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell; 2010

Stivers T. Coding social interaction: a heretical approach in conversation analysis? Res Lang Soc Interact. 2015;48(1):1–19.

Participatory research methods

(including community based participatory research, experience based co-design)

Chambers, R. (1995) ‘Paradigm shifts and the practice of participatory research and development‘ in N. Nelson and S. Wright (eds) Power and Participatory Development: Theory and Practice, London: Intermediate Technology Publications, pp30–42

Point of Care Foundation – Experience-based co-design toolkit

Institute of Development Studies Research and Analyse | Participatory Methods.

Creative methods

(such as creative interviewing, photo-elicitation, participant photography, video-assisted recall, and audio/video diaries)

Davis, K., Minckas, N., Bond, V. et al. Beyond interviews and focus groups: a framework for integrating innovative qualitative methods into randomised controlled trials of complex public health interventions. Trials 20, 329 (2019).


Bates, E. A., McCann, J. J., Kaye, L. K., & Taylor, J. C. (2017). “Beyond words”: a researcher’s guide to using photo-elicitation in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14(4), 459-481

Harper, D. (2002) ‘Talking about pictures: a case for photo-elicitation’, Visual Studies, 17(1): 13–26.

Participant photography

Fors, V., M. Berg and S. Pink (2016) ‘Capturing the ordinary. Imagining the user in designing and using automatic photographic lifelogging technologies’ in S. Selke (ed) Lifelogging: Theoretical Approaches and Case Studies about Self-Tracking, Springer VS

Pink, S. (2015) ‘Going forward through the world: thinking about first-person perspective digital ethnography between theoretical scholarship and applied practice’ Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 49(2): 239-252

Pink, S., Sumartojo, S., Lupton, D., & Heyes LaBond, C. (2017). Empathetic technologies: digital materiality and video ethnography. Visual Studies, 32(4), 371-381

Pink, S., A. Gomes, R. Zilse, R. Lucena, J. Pinto, A. Porto, C. Caminha, G. M. de Siqueira, M. Duarte de Oliveira (2018) ‘Automated and Connected?: Smartphones and Automobility through the Global South’ Applied Mobilities.

Audio/video diaries

Crozier, S. E., & Cassell, C. M. (2016). Methodological considerations in the use of audio diaries in work psychology: Adding to the qualitative toolkit. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(2), 396-419

Kaur, H., Saukko, P., & Lumsden, K. (2018). Rhythms of moving in and between digital media: a study on video diaries of young people with physical disabilities. Mobilities , 13(3), 397-410.

Video-assisted recall

Henry SG, Fetters MD. Video elicitation interviews: a qualitative research method for investigating physician-patient interactions. Ann Fam Med. 2012;10(2):118-125.

Person-Based Approach for developing health interventions

Person-Based Approach (PBA) – Publications.